诗篇-Psalms <上一章 下一章>

诗篇-Psalms 第 54 章

O God, save me by Your name, And execute judgment for me by Your might.
O God, hear my prayer; Give ear to the words of my mouth.
54:3因为外人起来攻击我,强暴人寻索我的命;他们不把神摆在眼里。 细拉
For strangers have risen up against me, And those who terrorize seek my life; They do not set God before them.
Behold, God is my Helper; The Lord is among those who sustain my soul.
He will return the evil to those who lie in wait for me. Annihilate them in Your faithfulness.
I will offer a freewill offering to You; I will praise Your name, O Jehovah, for it is good.
For He has delivered me from all distress, And my eye looks triumphantly upon my enemies.
诗篇-Psalms 第 54 章 <上一章 下一章>