诗篇-Psalms 第 61 章 |
61:1 | 神阿,求你听我的呼求,垂听我的祷告。 Hear, O God, my cry; Give heed to my prayer. |
61:2 | 我心里发昏的时候,我要从地极呼求你。求你领我到那比我更高的磐石。 From the end of the earth I will call out unto You When my heart faints; Lead me to the rock that is higher than I. |
61:3 | 因为你作了我的避难所,作了我在仇敌面前的坚固台。 For You are a refuge to me, A strong tower before the enemy. |
61:4 | 我要永远住在你的帐幕里;我要投靠在你翅膀下的隐密处。 细拉 Let me sojourn in Your tent forever; Let me take refuge in the covering of Your wings. |
61:5 | 神阿,你已听了我所许的愿;你已将敬畏你名之人的产业赐给了我。 For You, O God, have heard my vows; You have given me the inheritance of those who fear Your name. |
61:6 | 你要加添王的寿数;愿他的年岁代代无穷。 You will add days to the days of the king; May his years be like generation after generation. |
61:7 | 愿他永远住在神面前;愿你分派慈爱和信实保守他。 May he dwell forever before God; Appoint lovingkindness and faithfulness, that they may preserve him. |
61:8 | 这样,我要歌颂你的名,直到永远,好天天还我所许的愿。 So I will sing psalms to Your name forever, As I repay my vows day by day. |
诗篇-Psalms 第 61 章 | <上一章 下一章> |