诗篇-Psalms 第 52 章 |
52:1 | 勇士阿,你为何以作恶自夸?神的慈爱是常存的。 Why do you boast in evil, O mighty one? God's lovingkindness endures continually. |
52:2 | 行诡诈的人哪,你的舌头图谋败坏的事,好像磨快的剃刀。 Your tongue devises destruction; It is like a sharpened razor, O worker of deceit. |
52:3 | 你爱恶不爱善,爱说谎不爱说公义。 细拉 You have loved evil rather than good, Falsehood rather than speaking righteousness. |
52:4 | 诡诈的舌头阿,你爱说一切吞吃人的话。 You have loved all the devouring words, O deceitful tongue. |
52:5 | 神也要拆毁你,直到永远;祂要把你拿去,从你的帐棚中抽出,从活人之地将你连根拔除。 细拉 God will likewise break you down forever; He will take you and pluck you up from your tent, And uproot you from the land of the living. |
52:6 | 义人要看见而惧怕,并要笑他,说, And the righteous will see it and fear, And they will laugh at him, saying, |
52:7 | 看哪,这就是那不以神为他力量的人,只倚仗他丰盛的财富,在欲望上坚立自己。 Behold, this is that mighty man Who did not make God his strength, But trusted in the multitude of his riches And strengthened himself in his desire. |
52:8 | 至于我,我像神殿中青翠的橄榄树,永永远远倚靠神的慈爱。 But I, like a flourishing olive tree In the house of God, Trust in God's lovingkindness Forever and ever. |
52:9 | 我要称谢你,直到永远,因为你行了这事;我也要在你圣民面前仰望你的名,这名本为美好。 I will give You thanks forever, For You have acted; And I will hope in Your name in the presence of Your faithful ones, For it is good. |
诗篇-Psalms 第 52 章 | <上一章 下一章> |