诗篇-Psalms <上一章 下一章>

诗篇-Psalms 第 52 章

Why do you boast in evil, O mighty one? God's lovingkindness endures continually.
Your tongue devises destruction; It is like a sharpened razor, O worker of deceit.
52:3你爱恶不爱善,爱说谎不爱说公义。 细拉
You have loved evil rather than good, Falsehood rather than speaking righteousness.
You have loved all the devouring words, O deceitful tongue.
52:5神也要拆毁你,直到永远;祂要把你拿去,从你的帐棚中抽出,从活人之地将你连根拔除。 细拉
God will likewise break you down forever; He will take you and pluck you up from your tent, And uproot you from the land of the living.
And the righteous will see it and fear, And they will laugh at him, saying,
Behold, this is that mighty man Who did not make God his strength, But trusted in the multitude of his riches And strengthened himself in his desire.
But I, like a flourishing olive tree In the house of God, Trust in God's lovingkindness Forever and ever.
I will give You thanks forever, For You have acted; And I will hope in Your name in the presence of Your faithful ones, For it is good.
诗篇-Psalms 第 52 章 <上一章 下一章>